Rock the Gas Heat ESCO Exam 2024 – Fire Up Your Future in HVAC!

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On a mid-efficiency induced draft furnace, the anticipator is wired in series with the ___.

blower motor

gas valve

The anticipator in a mid-efficiency induced draft furnace is indeed wired in series with the gas valve. When the anticipator detects that the temperature set point has been reached, it alters the circuit to signal the gas valve to open or close, thereby controlling the flow of gas to the burner. This relationship is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of the furnace, ensuring that the combustion process occurs only when the system is ready and at the appropriate temperature. While a blower motor, igniter, and thermostat are all key components of furnace operation, they are connected differently within the system. The blower motor usually activates based on the furnace's internal controls rather than being directly tied to the anticipator. The igniter operates at a different stage in the heating sequence, as it is responsible for igniting the gas once it has been allowed into the combustion chamber. The thermostat serves as the overall control device for temperature settings but does not directly wire into the anticipator's operation. Thus, programming the anticipator to work in series with the gas valve allows for precise control over gas delivery based on temperature needs.




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